Remington Oast

Remington Oast A new home conversion with a garden that consisted of plain turf and one weedy shrub border was crying out for a make-over. A twisting path was created to lead from the terrace beside the house down to a covered seating area at the opposite end of the garden which backed onto the […]
House Martins

House Martins This build provided its own set of challenges due to the gradient at which we had to work. The original garden was a bricked terrace area with a gradual slope, which led to a fenced off section at the bottom of the garden. The clients had a family wedding to prepare for, so […]

Woodlands Having a large area of outdoor space, which was mostly under-utilised, the clients were keen to improve the aesthetics of their garden once they had completed their home refurbishment. This was performed in three stages. The patio area towards the rear of the property was transformed into a large space for socialising and the […]

Wimbledon Wimbledon, London – city garden I met Ray & Leigh at Hampton Court, where they fell in love with the woodland garden I have design and planted called Athanasia. Athanasia is a place for reflection, rest and a celebration of the beauty of nature. It is a serene garden that offers a moment of […]